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Most Commonly Made Mistakes That Affect Air Quality

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Most Commonly Made Mistakes That Affect Air Quality

Mistakes That Affect Air Quality | Air Duct Cleaning San Francisco, CA

Why Does Air Quality Matter?

Air quality means how decent your air is in terms of what is found in it and how healthy and safe it is to be breathing. For example, smog detracts heavily from the quality of the air and makes it very poor because it's full of pollutants that have a negative effect on one's health. It's important that the air in your home is of good quality or else you may suffer from fatigue, severe allergy symptoms even while indoors, and potentially issues breathing as well if you already have a condition like asthma. So, what mistakes might you be making that's lowering the quality?

  1. Smoking In the Home

    This one may be a no-brainer but is important to state none the less. Even if you only light up inside every now again, that one instance will linger in your home and continue to contaminate the air. The smoke from the cigarette or otherwise will inevitably wind up in the air ducts of your home and can continue to taint the air passing through and drastically lower its quality. Making sure that your household is free of smoke indoors can make a huge difference.
  2. Refraining From Bathing Pets

    It can be a huge hassle to give your dog, or especially a cat, baths regularly. However, avoiding bathing them lets more pet dander build up around the home, which acts as an allergen to many people. Even if you aren't allergic to dander, it still lowers the overall quality of the air and can stack up over time just like dust without regular cleanings.
  3. Leaving Your Air Ducts Dirty

    Your household's air ducts bring in air to use for air conditioning and heating, but it also drags in dirt and other substances as well. Some may even have issues with humidity and moisture getting in as well that can cause mold to grow, or pests that leave waste in them. In any case, all of these contaminates will stay stuck in your ducts to continually pollute the air of your home unless you get them thoroughly cleaned out by a professional service periodically.

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Oct 22, 2024
8:00AM - 10:00AM
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